Monday, October 1, 2018

Getting The Most Beautiful Girl Friend or Wife in your life

Getting The Most Beautiful Girl Friend or Wife in your life

Sadhak should have apsara yantra and do pancho upchar puja and offer sandalwood paste and fresh scented flowers to the Apsara Yantra.

should also place a beautiful photo image of a Apsara according to your imagination.

Chant this Mantra 8008 times daily for 90 Days.

The practitioner has to get first Guru Diksha, Mantra Diksha and Pran Pratishtith Samagri


ॐ  आगच्छ  रतिसुन्दरी  स्वाहा
Aum Agach ratisoondari Swaha

Light a Diya of Pure Cow Ghee,
Apply Asht Gandham and Paan-Supari to the  Yantra
Apsara will appear on 90 day, then worship her with fresh scented flowers and seek her blessings.

Everyday the Apsara will appear at night and will have Love Sex with you, She will leave her clothes and jewellery's behind in the morning.

The practitioner has to permanently separate from his wife or girl friend before starting this Mantra Sadhana, otherwise death is certain.
if the Apsara do not appear on 90th day do not worry.
In the next six months you will get a beautiful wife or girlfriend in the form of Apsara, which will bring good luck and fortune to you

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( जो भी मंत्र तंत्र टोटका इत्यादि ब्लॉग में दिए गए है वे केवल सूचनार्थ ही है, अगर साधना करनी है तो वो पूर्ण जानकार गुरु के निर्देशन में ही करने से लाभदायक होंगे, किसी भी नुक्सान हानि के लिए प्रकाशक व लेखक जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा। )