Monday, October 1, 2018

Best Remedy For Making An Arrogant Person Obedient

Best Remedy For Making An Arrogant Person Obedient

This Remedy has to be done for five Mondays continuously, the only exception is for females, who can take a break during their menstrual cycle.

Take a Supari and make a hole in the center of the Supari.

Take a thread, which has been taken from the clothing of the Person who is misbehaving badly and put it inside the hole of the Supari.

This, Supari should be then be tied on the root of a Peepal Tree
then you should pour a Kalash of water on the root of the Peepal Tree for 5 Mondays.

This pryog will make the person Obedient.

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विशेष सुचना

( जो भी मंत्र तंत्र टोटका इत्यादि ब्लॉग में दिए गए है वे केवल सूचनार्थ ही है, अगर साधना करनी है तो वो पूर्ण जानकार गुरु के निर्देशन में ही करने से लाभदायक होंगे, किसी भी नुक्सान हानि के लिए प्रकाशक व लेखक जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा। )