Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Panchopchar Pujan at Home

Panchopchar Pujan at Home

Panchopchar Pujan is the worship of a deity by following five simple steps. The commonly followed Panchopchar Pujan or 5 steps have been given below, this may however, differ, if a particular step has been prescribed for any particular deity.

Panchopchar Pujan, which is simpler and the 5 simple steps given below have to be followed.

  1. Gandham
  2. Dhoop
  3. Diya
  4. Pushpa
  5. Naivedya

In case performing the Panchopchar Puja is not possible for the devotee, then, he can worship the deity by offering Gandham and Pushpa.

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विशेष सुचना

( जो भी मंत्र तंत्र टोटका इत्यादि ब्लॉग में दिए गए है वे केवल सूचनार्थ ही है, अगर साधना करनी है तो वो पूर्ण जानकार गुरु के निर्देशन में ही करने से लाभदायक होंगे, किसी भी नुक्सान हानि के लिए प्रकाशक व लेखक जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा। )